[altmetric doi=”10.1007/s11920-018-0902-2″ float=”left”]Ferreira, Reggie, Clare E. B. Cannon, & Fred Buttell. 2018. “Ethical issues in conducting research with children and families affected by disasters.” Current Psychiatry Reports. (Link)
[altmetric doi=”10.1177/1049731518772151″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B., Reggie Ferreira, & Fred Buttell. 2018. “Critical Race Theory, Parenting, and Intimate Partner Violence: An analysis of race and gender. Research on Social Work Practice, 1-13; [altmetric doi=”10.1177/0739986318762459″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B., Sarah Fouts, & Miranda Stramel. 2018. “Informed Gatekeepers and Transnational Violence: Using Perceptions of Safety of Latino/a Youth in Determining Legal Cases.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 39(5): 1-16. DOI: 10.1177/0739986318762459. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.15640/jssw.v5n1a5″ float=”left”] Washington, Courtney, Clare E. B. Cannon, & Fred Buttell. 2017. “Using an African-American Lens to Explore the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Intimate Partner Violence.” Journal of Sociology and Social Work 5(1): 38-53. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.1891/1946-6560.8.3.272″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B., & Reggie Ferreira. 2017. “Understanding female intimate partner violence perpetration, parenting attitudes, and batterer intervention program completion.” Partner Abuse, 8(3): 272-290. [altmetric doi=”10.1037/trm0000094″ float=”left”] Corzine, Eric, Charles Figley, Ronald Marks, Clare Cannon, Vicky Lattone, and Christopher Weatherly. 2017. “Identifying Resilience Truisms: Israeli Experts on Trauma Resilience.” Traumatology. Access via American Psychological Association. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.1007/s10896-016-9883-2″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B., & Fred Buttell. 2016. “Pushing the paradigm: Addressing controversies over LGBTQ intimate partner violence.” Journal of Family Violence 31(8): 967-971. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.1891/1946-6560.7.3.226″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B., John Hamel, Fred Buttell, and Regardt Ferreira. 2016. “A Survey of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programs in the U.S. and Canada: Findings and Implications for Policy and Intervention.” Partner Abuse 7(3): 226-276. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”″ float=”left”] Babcock, Julia, Buttell, Fred, Cannon, Clare, Cantos, Arthur, Hamel, John, Lehmann, Peter, Kelley, Don, Leisring, Penny, Murphy, Christopher, Lauve-Moon, Katie, O’Leary, Daniel, Bannon, Sarah, Salis, Katie Lee, and Salano, Ingrid. 2016. “Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programs: A proposal for Evidence-Based Standards in the United States.” Partner Abuse 7(4), 1-110. (PDF)Cannon, Clare E. B. and Fred Buttell. 2016. “Investigating membership on University Review Boards: The Case for Social Work.” Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics 13(2). (PDF)
[altmetric doi=”10.1177/1049731515592382″ float=”left”]
Ferreria, Reggie, Katie Lauve Moon, and Clare E. B. Cannon. 2015. “Male batterer parenting attitudes: Investigating differences between African-American and Caucasian Men.” Research on Social Work Practice. Doi: 1049731515592382. (PDF)
McKinney, Laura A., Ed Kick, and Clare E. B. Cannon. 2015. “A human ecology approach to environmental inequality: A county-level analysis of natural disasters and the distribution of landfills in the Southeastern US.” Human Ecology Review 21(1): 109-132. (PDF)
[altmetric doi=”″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B. and Fred Buttell. 2015. “Illusion of inclusion: The failure of the gender paradigm to account for IPV in LGBT relationships.” Partner Abuse 6(1): 65-77. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.1177/1049731514557699″ float=”left”] Cannon, Clare E. B. and Fred Buttell. 2015. “IRBs at Very High Research Activity Universities: An Opportunity for Social Workers.” Research on Social Work Practice. (PDF) [altmetric doi=”10.3402/ejpt.v5.24585″ float=”left”] Burnette, Catherine and Clare E. B. Cannon. 2014. “’It will always continue unless we change something’: Consequences of intimate partner violence for indigenous women, children, and families.” European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5. (PDF)BOOK CHAPTERS
Gotham, Kevin Fox and Clare E. B. Cannon. 2018. “Circulating risks: Coastal Cities and the Specter of Climate Change Risk.” In Handbook on Spaces of Urban Politics edited by Andy Jonas, Byron Miller, Kevin Ward, & David Wilson.
Cannon, Clare E. B., and Fred Buttell. 2016. “Policy Discussions on LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S.” An Analysis of Contemporary Social Welfare Issues. (PDF)
Mayer, Vicki and Clare E. B. Cannon. 2014. “A greener screening future: manufacturing and recycling as the subjects of television studies” in Sage Handbook on Television Studies.
Cannon, Clare and Julia Wentzel*. 2019. “Doing critical EJ: A community-based approach to examining exposure and assessing community health in the San Joaquin Valley, CA.” American Association of Geographers, Washington D.C.
*Indicates student collaborators
Cannon, Clare. 2018. “Learning on a Dump: A case study analyzing environmental inequality post-recovery.” Society of Human Ecology, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cannon, Clare. 2018. “Learning on a Dump: An analysis of environmental inequality post-recovery.” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Cannon, Clare. 2018. “A New Orleans Case Study: Analyzing environmental inequality post-recovery.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, PA.
Cannon, Clare. 2018. “Unpacking Sustainability: Ecofeminism, the Washington Consensus, and Overshoot.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, PA.
Cannon, Clare. 2018. “Exposure to Environmental Hazards: Analyzing the location and distribution of landfills across the U.S., Lessons for Environmental Justice.” American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA.
Cannon, Clare. 2017. Panel presenter on interdisciplinary techniques in environmental inequality. Society for the Study of Social Problems. Montreal, Quebec.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. Panel presenter on Feminist, Queer and Critical Race Toolkits? Sharing and Exploring Research Methodological Models. American Association of Geographers. Boston, MA.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. “Exposure to Environmental Hazards: Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Landfills Across the Contiguous United States.” Rural Sociological Association, Toronto.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. “Direct effects of poverty, race, and gender on landfill presence across the contiguous United States.” American Sociological Association, Seattle.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. “Exposure to Environmental Hazards: Direct effects of poverty, race, and gender on landfill presence across the contiguous United States.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Seattle.
Cannon, Clare, and John Hamel. 2016. “Findings and Implications of the North American Domestic Violence Batterer Intervention Survey.” Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs 2016 World Conference. Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. “Exposure to Environmental Hazards: Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Landfills Across the Contiguous United States.” GIS Institute Conference, Brown University.
Cannon, Clare. 2016. “Characteristics of LGBTQ populations in batterer intervention programs across North America.” City, Culture, Community Symposium, Tulane University.
Ferreria, Reggie, and Clare Cannon. 2015. “Deepwater-Horizon Oil Spill Disaster: Contextual and individual characteristics predicting individual health outcomes.” Council on Social Work Education, Denver.
Cannon, Clare. 2015. “Characteristics of LGBTQ populations in batterer intervention programs across North America.” Council on Social Work Education, Denver.
Kick, Edward, Laura McKinney, and Clare Cannon. 2015. “Couplings.” American Sociological Association, Chicago.
Cannon, Clare. 2015. “Unpacking Sustainability: Gender, the Washington Consensus, and Overshoot.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago.
Cannon, Clare. 2015. “Unpacking Sustainability: Gender, the Washington Consensus, and Overshoot.” Tulane CCC Symposium: Social Justice and the City. New Orleans, LA.
Cannon, Clare and Laura McKinney. 2014. “Learning on a Dump: The Case of Booker T. Washington High School.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco.
McKinney, Laura and Clare Cannon. 2014. “Disasters and Waste: A County-Level Analysis.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco.
Burnette, Catherine and Clare Cannon. 2014. “Consequences of intimate partner violence on American Indian women, children, and families.” Council on Social Work Education, Tampa Bay.
McKinney, Laura and Clare Cannon. 2013. “Spatial distribution of waste after disasters.” Sociology Colloquium, Tulane University.
Cannon, Clare and Laura McKinney. 2013. “Generating global hazardous waste: a cross-national structural equation model.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York City.
Cannon, Clare. 2013. “Generation(s) of manufacturing and recycling scholarship in Television Studies.” Generation(s) of TV Studies Symposium, University of Georgia.